If your answer to the above question is NO, and you are committed to addressing systemic racism in our health care system, please read on.
Many Americans are looking for ACTIONABLE means to demonstrate a commitment to improving health equity. To this end, the Movement is Life (MiL) Caucus, in collaboration with health economists at Johns Hopkins University, have created a shared decision making (SDM) tool to improve engagement and outcomes in patients who experience knee pain.
This award-winning paper provides background on the SDM tool.
Appropriate Treatment Individualized for Each Patient
The MiL SDM tool for knee pain is personalized to improve health care equity. It incorporates:
Patient gender
Body mass index
Presence of diabetes/hypertension
Level of knee pain
Functional activity
Patient Input Can Increase Patient Adherence
The SDM tool is designed to be used by a member of the care team (ie, nurse or medical assistant) with a patient. Based on patient inputs, the tool projects outcomes based on the treatment pathway selected.
The provider (MD/DO, APRN/PA, RN) identifies two relevant treatment pathways for a patient out of several options (eg, lifestyle modifications including weight loss/increased physical activity, medical intervention including cortisone knee joint injection/physical therapy).
The tool also includes a default, the third option of the patient “doing nothing” (which we know, unfortunately, is often the case). The tool provides projections to the patient of likely outcomes at 1, 3, and 6 years for other patients like them. The primary aim of the tool is to engage patients to adopt healthy lifestyle changes that they have chosen themselves.

An Outcome Guided Engagement® Bundles Everything Together
MiL has partnered with QC-Health®, Inc., to incorporate this innovative SDM tool into an Outcome Guided Engagement (OGE®) for patients with knee pain.
The OGE pairs evidence-based resources about weight loss, exercise, lifestyle, and self-management with the SDM tool so providers have everything they need right at their fingertips to engage a patient about their care. The OGE can be integrated right into the clinical workflow, so it works great during a telehealth call—providers can quickly email resources during a discussion or send them to a patient portal.
This OGE is FREE to any provider to use in their practice or health system.
Aventria (proud sponsor of QC-Health, Inc.) has developed several in-market technology platforms that can integrate your resources—unbranded or branded—into telehealth and electronic health record (EHR) systems. We have built, tested, deployed, and refined our technology so that it is established and proven with most top-level provider customers nationwide. Your messages are delivered via the EHR and/or other telehealth platforms within the clinical workflow so providers can drive efficiency, engagement, optimized care planning, and outcomes.
Feel free to contact us to show you how you can help providers meet patient care needs with Aventria solutions:

Dave Dierk, Co-President, 30-year sales and marketing thought leader in pharmaceutical diagnostics, biomedical, long-term care, managed care, employer, and pharmacy communications, at 215-489-9000 x103 or dave.dierk@aventriahealth.com.
Making a difference in patient care by helping patients, providers, and payers collaborate on shared priorities