Pharmaceutical market access vice presidents, executive directors, market access marketing, patient services, and brand leads:
Most of the specialty brand/access channel teams we’ve spoken to recently share a similar objective: to maximize the patient/provider access experience by identifying and designing extensive specialty therapy management support services and delivery options.
In many cases the extensive education content and reimbursement services are integrated from disparate vendor services such as HUB, payer prescription authorization and appeal support, disease/drug education, reimbursement services, and limited specialty pharmacy network fulfillment support.
This may lead to complex commercial messaging, prescriber confusion, and frustration and may delay access to treatment—certainly not a recipe for provider/patient satisfaction with their experience.
Are Your Specialty Drug Support Services and Process a Mystery to Your Organized Provider Customers?
In too many cases, it’s only when specialty drug uptake is slow due to payer prior authorization that manufacturers examine reasons why organized providers are not accessing the resources intended to speed time to treatment and improve patient care. Some of the perceived provider barriers include:
Awareness and recall of the various services
Ease of use in accessing the services and navigating the process
Time and cost of navigating the various programs from registration through prescription fulfillment
Benefits and confidence in the program that it speeds patient time to specialty drug treatment
Account Manager/Representative training—varying levels of familiarity and confidence in the service offerings, process, and expectations
Impact Organized Provider Specialty Brand Prescribing With Clear and Consistent Messaging
Demystifying payer coverage policies and prescription fulfillment processes begins by enhancing the brand’s clinical positioning. Consider refining the message architecture to include benefits of an integrated user experience, a user experience in tune with provider practice manager patient support requirements.
A consistent message architecture developed with Aventria’s proprietary “Promise to Performance™” process is an impactful first step toward high-impact presentations that allow field personnel to confidently engage provider stakeholders.

High-impact presentations can also be leveraged for lunch and learns (in-person and virtual) for total office calls. Aventria has had great success using an animated whiteboard video with voice-over explaining the path of a prescription from inception, payer coverage approval, fulfillment, and support services. This has succeeded to shorten time to therapy and supported greater brand access for many specialty products we have worked with.

Aventria can help you impact organized provider specialty brand prescribing by clearly communicating the benefits of the therapy support offerings, demystifying payer coverage and the prescription fulfillment process, and setting realistic timing expectations to facilitate drug selection, access, and use of your specialty brand.
To learn how we can help, please reach out to:

Dave Dierk, Co-President, 30-year sales and marketing thought leader in pharmaceutical diagnostics, biomedical, long-term care, managed care, employer, and pharmacy communications, at

Paul G. Pochtar, RPh, SVP of Pharmaceutical Commercialization and Access Strategies, extensive experience in leading the successful market access commercialization of both primary care and specialty pharmaceuticals throughout their life cycle, including several landmark oncology products and other specialty therapeutics, at
Making a difference in patient care by helping patients, providers, and payers collaborate on shared priorities